
Christopher Zanko

Christopher Zanko

Christopher Zanko is an early career Artist from Wollongong, south of Sydney Australia. By carving and chiseling line and pattern, Zanko nods to the production qualities of the print – the play with negative and positive space and the dynamic between thick line and planar shapes. The printmaking quality suggests the multiple, much as the buildings selected are houses of a type, reproduced with variation across suburbs. The drafted line, textured mark and dramatic shadow are synthesised into a language that suggests the architectural rendering of the mid-century modern. Zanko graduated with a Bachelor of Creative Arts, Wollongong University with Distinction in Painting (BCA). He has shown widely across Australia in regional and commercial galleries, most recently a finalist in The Wynne Prize 2019. Christopher Zanko’s work is held in the Sydney Living Museum collection, The University of Wollongong collection as well as Wollongong Regional Gallery’s collection. + Read More

Painting    |    Professional http://christopherzanko.com

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